Choosing An Embroidery Machine
Ask anyone who sews, and they will tell you that the best utilitarian invention of the last two hundred years, by far, is the embroidery machine. The embroidery machine allows you to decorate your garments
and household d?or items quickly and skillfully. A embroidery machines makes quick work of embroidery even large
pieces of design which in the past would have taken hours to do by hand.
As the embroidery machine has evolved, it has taken on a whole new dimension in crafting. What was once used simply to save time making decorative items is now able to do complex, colorful embroidery and
do many other creative tasks much more quickly than can be done by hand. The possibilities are literally endless with
today?s modern embroidery machines.
Because every person is an individual, it is impossible to say there is one best embroidery machine out there for everyone. Your embroidery needs should ultimately dictate the machine you purchase. For
example, if you are going to do embroidery purely for hobby or craft purposes, then you do not need a embroidery machine capable of doing bulk and heavy duty work. You can save your money because advanced embroidery machines are much more expensive
than a more basic model which will meet your
needs just fine.
The first thing you should do is sit down and make a list of all of the things you want your embroidery machine to be able to do for you. Do you want sewing capability? Do you want free-arm capability? Do
you want to be able to quilt with your embroidery machine? Will you do embroidery on very heavy fabrics such as denim?
By answering these questions you can form a good list of your embroidery machine expectations.
If you are new to embroidery it is a great idea to get together with other people you know who own embroidery machines and see if you can try theirs out. Ask if they will let you try embroidery on their
machine and will tell you all of the things they like and dislike about their particular models. This can help you determine
a good machine brand versus a dud. If you bring along your list of ?wants? you can see if their machine will meet all of
your needs or not as well.
Once you have some idea of what you might want in a embroidery machine, hit the Internet and do some serious research. Go to
manufacture websites as well as those which are owned by embroidery experts. Read what is out on the web and see if the
machine you are interested in gets good reviews or bad. People like to complain, so you might find complaints about every
embroidery machine out there. Ignore the one or two complaints but listen to those where you start reading the same
criticism over and over again. One or two people can be a fluke, but twenty people are probably not.
Once you have a good idea of what embroidery machine you want to purchase for yourself, then go out into the stores and look
at them. Look at embroidery machine stores and even at your local craft stores as well. Go armed with your list and with
enough knowledge to not ?over-buy? a machine. Stay steadfast at your goal of getting what you want and need and not paying
extra for features which you will never use.
When you are in the stores ask to test out the machines and see if you can find one that you really like that meets your
needs. If you can then that is your machine. If you cannot, then it is time to move on to another shop.
Purchasing a embroidery machine is an investment in your craft so it is important to take the time and make the right choice.
Make sure you find just the right machine for your needs and it will serve you well for many embroidery years to come.